The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer
Gavin has followed the work of Dr. Wayne Dyer for many years, and Dr. Dyer wrote The Power of Intention. Within this book he talks about the Seven Faces of Intention.
These seven faces represent both the ways in which you are already expressing your intention and the ways in which you can begin to develop this intention more consciously. He writes that by banishing doubt and trusting your intuitive feelings, you clear a space for the power of intention to flow through.
Let’s explore them;
Be Creative: Seeing Connections and Opportunities
The first face of intention is creativity. Creativity is essential to living and intentional life because it allows you to begin to see connections and opportunities that you were not conscious of before. The universe does not work in a linear logical manner. Synchronicity will emerge from unexpected and seemingly random places when you are prepared for it. By training yourself to become more creative and allowing your natural expression to flow forth, you can begin to tap into more of this energy.
Be Kind: Radiating Positive Energy and Peace
Kindness and compassion are cornerstones of any true spiritual practice. Being kind in all circumstances requires you to gain a higher perspective and begin to see the world from another's point of view. When you are kind, you omit a radiant positive energy and you let the universe know that peace and wellbeing are important to you. This sets your intention and clears the way for the manifestation of more positive experiences into your life
Love: Creating Intentions from a Spirit of Loving Cooperation
Love is a quality that you create for yourself. When you omit a vibration of love, you prepare to receive more of that same energy from those around you. In other words, when it comes to love, you get what you give. Dr. Dyer writes that you were intended from a state of love, which is why you must love to create intentions for yourself. The key to doing this is to focus on a spirit of loving cooperation rather than competition over others to create an inspired intentional life. Then you should practice instilling the feeling of love into every situation you encounter. This love may take many forms from a romantic partner to a family member or even to the cashier in the grocery store, or a driver who cut you off in traffic. By learning to love unconditionally, you create more space for love in your life to blossom.
Beauty: Appreciating the Beauty Everywhere
Beauty is everywhere around you. It doesn't matter whether you are at the beach on a mountainside or staring at an urban construction site. If you look for it, you will find it. Learning to appreciate this beauty everywhere is an essential aspect of awakening you into your divine nature. And as you begin to see it, even in unexpected moments, it will become more and more prevalent for you forming a stronger and stronger part of your vibration. So be beauty.
Be Ever Expansive: Balancing Joy, Beauty, and Abundance with Desire to Grow
The key to intention is to balance an appreciation for the joy, beauty, and abundance that is already before you with the desire to continue to grow and expand wherever you are at whatever stage in your growth you may be, whether physical, intellectual, material, or spiritual, there will always be more you can desire of yourself. Learning to create these desires and expand joyfully without invalidating where you are right now is a powerful practice.
Be Abundant: Tapping into the Infinite Field of Energy
We live in an abundant, thriving universe at the core of your being. You are in essence, part of an infinite field of energy. This energy births you and everything in your world, and since you are a part of this energy, you can tap into it to create anything you choose for yourself. We restrict ourselves when we think of abundance only in terms of money, in truth, it is everywhere from the leaves on the trees around you to the love you can feel for others becoming attuned to this abundance. You will attract more of it in all forms into your life. That's quite powerful. Be abundant.
Be Receptive: Remaining Curious, Excited, and Open to the Unfolding of Desires
Lastly, Dr. Dyer writes that the key to receiving your intention is to become more receptive to it. When we try to outline specific ways in which our desires will unfold, we limit ourselves and often miss the very unfolding we seek. Receptivity enables you to remain curious, excited, and open about your desires so you can experience them more fully.